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[ ] NuggED: Game

This page describes the various "global" properties and features
available at the top-level of game editing.

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Properties / GFlags / Sounds / Classes / Speedruns

Game Properties
Each game file has global properties you can edit via
the game menu or Ctrl+G. All are optional.

Game Title
A customizable name for the game.
If specified, shows up in the first screen of the Credits menu.

A brief summary of individuals or a team.
If specified, shows up in the first screen of the Credits menu.

A URL referring to the game creators.
If specified, shows up in the first screen of the Credits menu.

A version number for the game.
If specified, shows up in the first screen of the Credits menu.

A brief description of the game. It can be up to four lines,
delimited by a "pipe" character (|).
If specified, shows up in the second screen of the Credits menu.

GFlags are an "unlimited" set of flags useful for scripting which are
saved between zone transitions and even exiting/re-opening the game.
For example, you might set a GFlag when beating a level, which will
be used in another zone to open a new path to another level.

The GFlag editor is available [F7] to give descriptive names or
labels to the flags. It also lets you set or unset GFlags for testing.

The Sound Editor [F9] allows you to modify the game sounds.
You can change the sound effect file (.WAV only, path relative to
the game file), you can change the sounds' default volumes, and you
can change their names (useful for the Sound picker in the script editor).

Block Classes
You can define game-global block classes which serve two purposes:
1. They allow you to create many identical or similar blocks
throughout the game by simply referencing the same class name
(this also allows you to make game-wide changes easily).
2. They are the only way to give blocks some basic AI behaviors
(other than manually scripting them around).

Classes are edited from the Game menu, and are entered as a
single XML node with the following attributes:
name='$' This is the required name or ID of the class. Must be unique, and highly recommended that it is lowercase and alphanumeric only.
speed='#' Maximum (horizontal) speed of the block. A typical value might be around 3.
acc='#' '#,#' Defines the block's horizontal acceleration and, if specified, jump acceleration. Typical values are around 0.1 and 5.0.
brake='#' Defines the block's horizontal deceleration. Must be greater than 1.0. A typical value is 1.1.
asound='N' If the class is flagged as stomping, this is the sound effect that will play when it attacks you.
cover='#' If specified, these blocks will only move toward the player if they are within this horizontal distance (or, if flagged approach, when beyond this distance).
hops='N' If the block is flagged as jumping, this number between 0 and 100 will control the random height of the jumps. (0 = completely random between no jump and max jump height, 100 = guaranteed max jump height every time)
eflags='$,$,...' These define AI behavior, and can be a combination of the following flags:
jumping - blocks will jump when they run into obstacles horizontally
smart - blocks will not run off the edge off the surface they are standing on
alllevels - blocks will follow you regardless of the z-level you are on (by default, they must be on the same z-level to pursue you)
greedy - the block will only pursue you if you are both standing on the same block surface
stomping - the block will jump into the air when it gets close to you
leaping - the block will jump into the air when it gets close to the edge it is standing on
leaping - this reverses the meaning of the cover property - blocks will only pursue you if you are beyond the specified distance (rather than within it)
heavy - this will kill any dynamic block it lands on
In addition, you can specify any of the standard properties of a block in XML parameter format (such as w, h, color, flg, freq, etc.).
Advanced users may create the desired block in the visual editor, use the Ctrl+M shortcut to view its XML, and copy the desired parameters to a class.
Speedrun is a special game mode that keeps track of your
time and death records in individual levels.
Usually each speedrun is unlocked (see unlockspeedrun) when
you beat a level for the first time in "normal" mode.
You can access them from the main menu, and each one saves
your best records for minimum time and minimum deaths
(these could both be set in one run, of course).

Speedruns can be created or edited from the Game menu, and they
are entered as a single XML node with the following attributes:
name='$' Name of the speedrun, displayed in the Speedrun menu. Should be alphanumeric (spaces are allowed).
zone='$' Zone ID that the speedrun starts in.
entrance='$' Entrance that the player should start at.
gflags='N,N,...' List of GFlags that will be automatically set at the beginning of the speedrun. All others will be unset, similar to starting a new game.
color='RGB' Background color of the menu when choosing this speedrun (default is white).
level='N' Speedrun "level", default is 1. Most speedruns are 1, the full-game speedrun is 2. This is useful for scripting, since the if command can check whether the player is in a speedrun (and which "level").


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